Rants & Reviews

Thinking about renting at The Overlook or another NTS property? Think again.

Please be cautious when considering doing business with The Overlook at St Thomas Apartments

You can’t believe all the reviews. They take down any negative Google Reviews and comments rather than follow up and try to improve relations.

I’ve tried posting a review, leaving constructive criticism in the comments of Instagram and Facebook posts. They have all been silenced, deleted or hidden within minutes.

My rating: 3/5 I thought this was fair and balanced. Apparently not.

The review:


Great view ðŸ™‚

Maintenance work their asses off (including being forced to shovel snow in the winter) and do their best to stay on top of things
Lawns are well-kept & landscaped

Local management team is attentive and polite

Pet-friendly townhomes are hard to find, especially ones with 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a basement


Corporate management & owners are not serious about funding & sufficiently staffing the maintenance team.

Phase II units have shoddy construction, no noise isolation.

Constant anxiety of hearing every footstep and bass rumble our neighbors produce (not their fault, the floors and walls were not built right & everything is sagging)

Being in the corner of the property puts us on the bottom of every property-wide maintenance list. The units needed to be painted 5 years ago, holes in the siding go unpatched for years.

Prepare for an annual rent hike of 5-10%. It’s typical but adds up fast when rent is $3,200/mo


Great for the short term, but they don’t seem to be interested in long-term tenants.

Unfortunately our 10th year will be our last at the Overlook. We are being forced out by rent hikes & neglect.

Rants & Reviews

Customer Service? Sorry, Not Today: An Open Letter to The Kroger Company

I’ve been a lifelong Kroger customer. I regret to inform you this undeserved loyalty has reached an end.

I’m afraid your $16 million investment in the Holiday Manor Kroger is being pissed away by incompetent management.

An encounter with one of your employees has pushed me over the edge from frustrated and disappointed to irate and unwilling to return.

Earlier in the week, I purchased a package of Heritage Farm boneless skinless chicken thighs. Before I could get around to cooking them, I could smell without even opening the package the chicken had spoiled.

For the fourth time in the past year, Heritage Farm chicken purchased from the Holiday Manor Kroger in Louisville, KY had spoiled before the Best By date. Either Kroger consistently mishandles this brand of chicken, or perhaps somebody is routinely slacking off when it’s time to check temperature on this particular refrigerator.

OK, fine, so I have to return the chicken yet again. Should be no problem, right? It’s the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday, my local Kroger’s busiest day. Surely the Customer Service counter will be open and taking returns, right? Wrong.

Yet again – as has happened numerous times in the past few months – I walk into our local Kroger expecting Customer Service and see it nowhere to be found. Instead, I’m greeted with a sign stating “Sorry, customer service is currently closed.” and with the shouting of a nearby employee: “Customer service is closed.”

(You fool, you. Can’t you read the sign? Go away and leave me alone!)

I asked if she wanted the raw chicken to be left on the CS counter (or perhaps somewhere closer so she could smell it better). She said something to the effect of “Kroger doesn’t take back perishable items. Never have, never will. You’re lying when you say you’ve done it before.”

I was prepared to just leave the smelly chicken on the counter and walk out without my refund, but I stood my ground and reiterated that the chicken was rotten. The disgruntled employee begrudgingly told me to come to the self checkout for a refund while continuing to make me feel like I should be ashamed for inconveniencing her.

This incident was only the latest in a long sequence of shortcomings at the Holiday Manor Kroger. This was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

Quality control seems to be a frequent problem at this Kroger. Green onions are sold wilted and within a day of being ready for the trash. Salad rarely lasts to the expiration date; in fact we’ve seen spoiled dripping bags of salad still in the refrigerator waiting to be sold.

I was willing to tolerate lackluster produce quality in exchange for having a wide selection of products. (The produce section is the only section of the store that’s usually fully stocked.)

I was willing to stick with your company through pandemic restrictions, supply chain shortages and price hikes.

I was willing to stick with your company when half the shelves in your store are bare despite other stores having the missing items in stock.

I was willing to stick with your company despite the fact that you fill the aisles with stockers and Clicklist people so customers can’t get to anything. (How can you be stocking endlessly yet never have anything in stock!?)

I was willing to stick with your company even when you arbitrarily shut down the pharmacy drive thru and change the pharmacy hours to close at 3 PM / 4 PM on weekends and 7 PM on weekdays.

I was willing to stick with your company despite across the board price hikes and lackluster discounts.

No más. I am not willing to shop at a store that puts corporate cost-cutting ahead of Customer Service.

If this means never having another Private Selection product or cutting out certain brands I can’t find elsewhere, then so be it.

In Louisville there aren’t really many good alternatives. The thought of doing more business with Walmart (another mega corporation) is unappealing to say the least. Perhaps Meijer is more interested in earning my business.

If your company can afford to alienate customers with your ridiculous policies and poor management, then maybe it never deserved my business in the first place. Maybe you could afford to hire more help and pay your staff properly if you took care of your customers rather than treating them as disposable. (As disposable as the rotten, spoiled Heritage Farm chicken you keep peddling.)

I estimate my CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) to Kroger to be around $400,000. Over the past 14 years, I estimate an average of $400/month spend at Kroger on groceries, prescriptions and gasoline. Over the next 40 years, I estimate I would have spent an average of $750/month ($9,000/year) at Kroger, which over 40 years works out to $360,000. You can kiss my $360K goodbye.

Until and unless your company returns to putting customers and employees ahead of your bottom line, I will be going out of my way to do as little business with Kroger as humanly possible.

Until and unless your company begins to address some of these shortcomings, I will remain:

Your former customer,

Sean Talbot


Welcome to the cadence of life

My name is Sean Talbot. I am a 30-year-old freelance web application developer from Louisville, KY. You can read about my motivation for starting this blog here:

I’ve been married to my best friend, Jessica, since December 12th, 2012. We have two fur babies, brother cats named Loki and Zuko that found their way to us as kittens that same year. So, they recently turned eight years old this past April.

In the fleeting world of social media, posts are usually liked and then forgotten. I hope for this site to serve as a permanent home for my thoughts and creative efforts. May you find some enjoyment in reading and experiencing my inner ramblings.


Emeril’s Better-Than-Takeout Beef and Broccoli

I used to enjoy PF Chang’s on a regular basis, but sadly my experience with their carryout lately has ranged from underwhelming to gag-inducing. And why bother when you can make restaurant-quality stir fry from home in not much more time than it takes to place an order and pick it up?

This may just be my favorite recipe of all time. I make it once or twice a month. As usual, it’s from Emeril’s Sizzling Skillets cookbook, but you can also find the recipe on Emeril’s site.

We like extra peppers and sauce, so I like to make a few tweaks to the recipe (keep in mind that, with these alterations, if this were on a restaurant menu, it’d be accompanied by a High Sodium Warning):

  1. Use 1 green and 1 red bell pepper instead of just 1 red bell pepper
  2. I am always heavy on the garlic, ginger and scallions. There is no such thing as too much in my book. (Thankfully, Jessica agrees!)
  3. Use full-sodium soy sauce instead of low-sodium. (Your cardiologist will shame you, but your taste buds will thank you.) I tried low-sodium soy sauce before and thought it didn’t taste as good, although Kikkoman’s site makes me think maybe I’m crazy and should try it again.
  4. Increase sauce ingredients by 50% (so 1/2 cup oyster sauce becomes 3/4, 1/4 cup soy sauce becomes 3/8, and so forth)
  5. Increase corn starch by 50% to properly thicken extra sauce
  6. Flat Iron Steak works just as well as Flank Steak. I’ve used Sirloin before but it gets dry, so prefer the texture of the other two.

Also, I’ve only ever tried this with Lee Kum Kee (Panda Brand) Oyster Sauce. It’s great, so I’ve never tried any other brand. Don’t buy it on Amazon; you can easily find it for about $3 per 9 oz bottle in the Asian section of most grocery stores.

Computers & Devices

Successful Repair of Moto 360 2nd Gen 46mm smartwatch

My Moto 360 2nd gen smartwatch died earlier this year. I’ve been missing having the convenience of looking at alerts on my wrist rather than having to check my phone constantly. At first the watch had just started dying rapidly, within an hour or two of putting it on, but then it got to the point where it was unusable. Even on the charger at full charge, the device would get stuck in a reboot loop.

I was excited to see the 3rd generation came out this year (or was it late last year?), and was considering pulling the trigger, but for now at least I’m resisting shelling out the $300.

Thanks to this guide and a replacement battery from iFixit, I was able to bring the watch back to life! Yay!


Emeril’s Grillades And Stone-ground Grits

Today I cooked another recipe from my favorite cookbook, Sizzling Skillets and Other One-Pot Wonders, by Emeril Lagasse.

For anyone wondering, it’s pronounced GREE-ahds. (Keep in mind New Orelans’ French heritage and the links Creole cooking has to French cuisine.)

This dish is traditionally a breakfast or brunch dish, but definitely filling enough to be served as a dinner. I expect the leftovers will be just as good, if not better, the next day.

It’s definitely a dish to make on a weekend. We got back from Kroger and I got straight to work by 6 PM, but we weren’t eating until after 11 PM. The pot was in the oven by 8:30 for the two-hour braising period, but I got lazy on the couch and didn’t realize the grits needed an hour to cook properly. (I’m a newbie when it comes to cooking grits – this was only my second batch.)

You can find the recipe online here:

Or purchase the cookbook on Amazon – you won’t regret it!


Emeril’s Pork Schnitzel With Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Sauce

Recipe from Emeril’s Sizzling Skillets and Other One-Pot Wonders:

Pork Schnitzel With Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Sauce

Kroger was completely cleaned out of Shiitake and gourmet blend mushrooms, so I had to make do with Portabella mushrooms. The dish turned out nicely, although I over-reduced the sauce and overcooked the pork slightly.

7/10, would make again.


Emeril’s Kicked-Up Jambalaya

This Emeril recipe is from the Food Network, Essence of Emeril era. You can still find the recipe online here. Jambalaya makes a nice & quick weekday meal, compared to gumbo which requires dedicating a full day to put together properly.

I tend to omit the shrimp, since Jessica will only eat shrimp if battered and fried or smothered in butter, scampi-style. I use Aidells Cajun Style Andouille, since that’s the only nitrate-free option we can find at Kroger. (Jessica has found nitrites and nitrates to be a migraine trigger for her.)

This time, I went with boneless, skinless chicken thighs and breasts. Leaving this in the whole ~1 hour cook time will result in shredded chicken – which is fine by me, but not everyone likes it that way.

“Salt and pepper” in the ingredients leaves the seasoning balance up to you. In retrospect, every time I made this before I didn’t add nearly enough salt, leading to bland and boring rice. When seasoning at the start of cook time rather than later, it can be tricky to judge the salt level; seasoning and then reducing when making sauces can lead to overly-salty results.

In this case, the rice also soaks up the liquid and expands, so it seems the water should taste as salty as you want the rice. This time, I added 1-2 tsp chicken base along with the water, plus roughly 1 tsp of Kosher salt.